SUBSMSTR : For quick reference of DB2 errors

There was an abend due to a contention. Two program collided and DB2 chose one to sacrifice/rollback the tasks it had completed. What is the first place on earth you will search for the detailed error ? No - Other than google I meant. Try your subsystem MSTR or master file which contains the repository for all the DB2 errors that has occurred. If your subsystem has not be IPLed then you will find the errors in the log for that day till the previous IPL date.

Let's say that your subsystem name is PRDN, thus your DB2 master log job name will be PRDNMSTR ;

Once you located the PRDNMSTR Job, search through the log and look for your error. It's the best place to search at the initial level when you are about the crack the error code, 10 - 40 % of the errors that occur with respect to DB2 can be easily resolved by paying a visit to the LOG section of this JOB.

Here is how the job and some of the errors would look from the mainframes, the below screen shot is from the IOF screens :


An Example of Resource Unavailable message in the LOG :


I am sure many of you are aware of this JOB and taking full advantage of it. I hope this post was helpful for our new DBA who has just begun his mainframe career.

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