SQL TOKEN -922 : Strange CICS error

-922 - Access Issue. !! Yes, we all know that the authorization ID is lacking a particular type of access on the program. Have you ever encountered a -922 with the auth ID having '' complete '' access over the program ? In fact the OWNER of the program is encountering a -922 - LOL ! Funny eh ? , Yes ! I did find it funny. Let's call it strange shall we ? You may like the word ' strange ' if you are amongst the hard-core technical blog readers.

Here is the -922 error message

SQL -922

Here are the access listings on this program

1) User Information


2) Access Information for the above user, by pressing the PF11 key


OLTAP01 is a CICS program and this error message is retrieved from SQLCA. We know that a program in the form of a package can only be executed with the help of a PLAN, Note how the plan name is pointing to ' DEFAULT '. When I searched in platinum I found out that this program was mapped on to plan named ONLINE1 and not DEFAULT.

The question that rushed into my mind was - why is ONLINE1 not showing up in the error message. Note the P.AUTH pointing to a number ' 402 ' - What this is all about ? I don't see a secondary or primary auth ID named 402 in the system.

I then realized that 402 was a reference number on the CICS screen and in fact the owner of the program was trying to run the CICS transaction. If that's the case - I wouldn't be worried about whether the number is 402 or 710. I narrowed my worry list to the plan - ' DEFAULT ' - I looked some advise from my system administration team, I told them that the ' ACCESS ' is in place and this can't be an access issue - nor I am willing to grant any access to 402, 710 etc. The next day I got the email stating - The issue was fixed !

It so happened that the RCT definition for this program from the CICS end was missing. The CICS administration team created an RCT entry for this program which fixed the issue. I am not a CICS guy, but if you want to read more about creating an RCT entry in CICS environment you can read more about it here.

Bottom Line :

Don't try anything more if you see the accesses are in place and yet your application team receives -922. Go one level up and ask your system administration. After reading this post - I guess you will directly ask your CICS administration team. Go Ahead, let me know if I suceeded in saving your precious time !

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